Surveying Infant Sex Assignment Surgery |
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Welcome to the start of Surveying Infant Sex Assignment Surgery (SISAS). The purpose of this site is to give people born with ambiguous genitalia a voice on the subject of Infant Sex Assignment Surgery. Since the 1950’s many people born with ambiguous genitalia were subject to normalizing surgeries when they were just infants. Many of these children are now grown adults and have lived a life either with ambiguous genitalia or with Sex Assignment Surgery. Unfortunately there have been no thorough follow up studies on the long term effect of Infant Sex Assignment Surgeries compared to no surgery. I, as a single voice, can only share my life experiences as a person having Infant Sex Assignment Surgery and could only speculate how my life would be without the surgery. I would like to make a fresh start on the discussion and bring together as many people as possible and survey our lives as we have lived them and create our own long term and in depth study. For the purpose of this survey I would like to make a few clarifications of terms. Ambiguous genitalia and atypical genitalia have become synonymous when referring to genitalia. For clarity, ambiguous genitalia is a birth defect where the outer genitals do not have the typical appearance of either a boy or a girl. Atypical genitalia are not typical, not usual, genitalia for a person of a known sex. My hope is once we have shared real life experiences we can create an accurate report to the success or failure of Infant Sex Assignment Surgery written by people with first hand life experiences. We have created the SISAS Forum for people that have been born with ambiguous genitalia, parents of these children, partners and spouses ,doctors and nurses in the medical community that work the front line in treating persons such as myself. The forum is still in need of many refinements and is still a work in progress so with your help and suggestions we will get it right. For the sake of genuine clarity and validity this forum will only allow postings by people with real life first hand experiences associated with ambiguous genitalia. I truly don’t wish to exclude anyone’s voice on the subject so the Facebook group ( on Facebook) will be open to everyone. If you are interested in joining this group and create a collective voice and to survey the current practice of Infant Sex Assignment Surgery please sign up in the forum or contact us via email. We are just starting out but I’m excited to create the first exclusive group for people born with ambiguous genitalia. Page last updated: 28 SEP 2016 at 1435 UTC |